Tuesday, April 19, 2011

on a cruise, at port in key west. leaving my room:

do i have my key? yes.
pass quarreling puerto-rican family, the littlest kid is crying.
pass cute girl in hallway, smile.
arrive at elevators, look at map.
where's the cabana club?
floor five.
where am i?
floor seven.
fuck the stairs.
press down button.
spot cruise staff member. nametag states that he is, coincedentaly, puerto-rican. he is pushing a luggage rack full of little fake stone walls.
wait forever.
elevator arrives.
i point it out to him and he nods greatfully.
we board the elevator. i ask him what floor he wants. he holds up three fingers. maybe he doesn't speak english.
press three.
we descend.
on floor four we stop. a little fat kid boards the elevator. he presses eleven.
you asshole.
we go up seven floors.
fat kid disembarks.
down eight floors.
i'm polite and let the puerto rican man off first. i step out and realize i'm on floor three, not five.
fuck i'm high.